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September 19, 2023
A new entity that sits at the intersection of technology and orebody science.

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August 27, 2023
Mining companies have achieved some impressive results from using machine learning to improve operational performance. So why do so many machine learning projects fail?

On-Rig Analytics
The TruSub Drilling System is designed to increase the efficiency and productivity of drilling programs through a real-time drill parameter display and automated reporting of key performance metrics. The system hardware is available as an in-field installation option for select top drive diamond coring rigs. Productivity reporting metrics and live rig parameter monitoring can be available in real-time from anywhere with an internet connection.

About Veracio
Our mission is simple.
At Veracio, we’re building and deploying a new wave of technologies that will redefine the way the world mines. Leveraging artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to generate powerful, differentiated data about what lies beneath us.Where believe more is less. And when you know more, you work better, you search less and waste less.